All my life I knew that there were two genders; male and female, apparently however I was totally wrong and ignorant. According to there are 16 types of genders that you have to choose from when creating your profile. 1- Guy 2- Girl 3- Dude 4- Lady 5- Fellow 6- Bird (Birdy Egg from Nest Ville – Oak land, signing up to Digg) 7- Chap 8- Grrrl 9- Gentleman 10- Damsel 11- Beau 12- Belle 13- Male 14- Female 15- Transgender 16- None of the above (Aliens who want to Digg) See how ignorant I was =)
Fadfada, is an Arabic word that means spelling out what’s in ones heart and mind. This blog is the place where I can simply spell it out! PS. English is my second language, so give me a break.